Corruption Guide

Created: 12 January 2024, 19:44:10 UTC
Last updated: 16 February 2024, 16:25:37 UTC



  • All Faunids from this event will be created on the corrupted Faunid base, with edits.
  • All corrupted Faunids are relatively desaturated with only one or two brighter/saturated colors.
  • You may gift/trade items that Fenris gives you, please message DeerTush/Halo with your proof of exchange in order to have your items adjusted on the spreadsheet.
  • One (1) corrupt semi-custom and one (1) event corruption/re-corruption allowed per user per event.
  • You are allowed to age a Fawn using corruption.
  • Each semi-MYO may have a maximum of:
    4 non-corrupt traits   
    3 corrupt traits (1 minimum)
       For a total of 7 traits.
  • Each corruption of an EXISTING non-corrupt Faunid may have a maximum of 5 additional traits( At least one corrupt trait required).
  • You may put a Faunid through further corruption and submit an existing corrupted faunid. Above rule applies.
  • If corrupting/re-corrupting an EXISTING Faunid or Corrupted, traits from this event will be ADDED to the faun's current traits/edits. Corruption will be on the corrupted base. Re-corruption may occur on the existing design or be redone based on complexity.
  • You do not have to specifically name traits in the form you want if you don't know them or care! Artists will work off of your used tokens.